Saturday, May 3rd 10am-2pm
There’s no such thing as having too many art supplies! However, if you’ve decided to do a bit of spring cleaning, we have some cool news for you! Howard’s will be hosting a Spring Art Supply Yard Sale/Exchange/Giveaway/Swap/Whatever Else You Want to Call It! You will be able to sell your supplies, trade with other participants, or simply give your unwanted art materials away! It is totally up to you! Note that there are about 25 spaces available, so be sure to reserve your spot as soon as possible.
Think of this as a community yard sale. Everyone is responsible for their own sales or exchanges and will be required to bring their own table. This swap is restricted to art & craft supplies/equipment only. The exchange will take place indoors and outdoors to maximize space. There will be limited space, so we require everyone to stick to a 4 foot table.
This swap is open to everyone! If you are only interested in purchasing materials and don’t have anything to sell, you don’t need to sign up! Just show up and join in on the fun!
We are hoping to have a food truck, but if not we will have snacks and drinks!
Please contact us for more details. To sign up and reserve a space use the button below.